Workshop Proposal Form

If you have any questions, please email them to:

Focus Areas: (Check box)
Digital Media
Please explain below

General Description
Workshop Title:
Workshop Leader:
Contact Email Address:

Have you worked with kids in the past?:

Objective: (Educational goal of workshop)
Final result/outcome: (Practical outcome and/or public presentation of the work)
Time Frame: (Preparation time, how many weeks, how many times/week, how many hours/day)
Project Level:

How will you achieve your desired results?
What methods will you use?
If you were a teenager what would be your favorite part of the workshop?
Referred by:
Specific tools, materials:
Computers: (Number of workstations, software)
We are ready to provide any equipment, software and space needed, and will dedicate staff time to assist you with both teaching and logistics.
Selection of Participants
How many students? In how many groups?
Aditional information
Please copy and paste your CV in the box below
Please copy and paste a detailed budget in the box below
Please add links to sample work (separated with commas);
You can also email sample work as attachement to