Twisted Christmas
The Twisted Christmas project started in November 2013 and took two months to complete. This fast-paced platform game for players of all ages was released on the Kongregate website, during the holiday season. The game becomes progressively difficult as players advance through the different levels.
Team members
Arevik Aroyan
Animator | 19
Grigor Grigoryan
Animator | 20
Levon Baghdasaryan
Animator | 18
Seda Hayrapetyan
Music | 19
Tatev Hayrapetyan
Music | 18
Tigran Grigoryan
Programmer | 18
Vardan Stepanyan
Programmer | 16
Twisted Christmas is about a particular Christmas when Santa's elves and reindeer turn against him and try to prevent him from delivering presents. Despite these setbacks, Santa perseveres in his task by jumping from rooftop to rooftop, dropping presents down the chimneys as he speeds by.