Learning System


When they come in to Tumo, members log in to a special learning interface called the Tumo World. The World is a virtual territory, made up of islands in a blue sea, where each member’s avatar explores a landscape of learning activities. An evolving path through the Tumo World visually illustrates each member’s personal learning plan and trajectory. As members browse and actively work on activities, they also interact with each other, exchange notes, forming teams, and recommending interesting activities. Advancing through the increasingly challenging sections of the Tumo world is similar to progressing from one level to another in a multiplayer video game, as members collect skill units and gain access to new online activities and physical workshops.



The after-school learning process at Tumo is based on a highly versatile but rigorous system. Members advance through the Tumo program based on their individual preferences and at their own pace. Within that flexible framework, they work towards very specific learning targets organized around four focus areas:


Game Development
Web Development
Digital Media

Tumo members are initially encouraged to get exposure to all four of these areas. As they progress through the curriculum, completing a succession of increasingly challenging projects, members begin to concentrate on one of the four areas and work towards completion of a final project at the end of a two-year cycle.

In addition to instruction in its main focus areas, the Tumo curriculum covers a set of supporting technical, artistic and professional skills that are essential across all four areas.


Technical skills Artistic skills Professional skills
Computer Programming Drawing Online Literacy
3D Modeling Music  Communication
2D Graphics Writing Collaboration


Members create their own personal learning plans as a path through the Tumo World, a game-like virtual environment designed to facilitate navigating the multifaceted curriculum. As they complete activities in the form of tutorials, exercises and projects, they are supported by Learning Coaches who interact with them continuously in order to assist and guide them through the learning experience.

how Tumo works


Self-paced, individual and team activities alternate with hands-on workshops. These are classes where members collaborate on project-based learning with the help of a workshop leader, as well as lectures and other events that inspire them and help them expand their learning horizons. Find out more about workshops and events at Tumo.