How to Participate


Tumo is always looking for highly energetic people who have a strong foundation in one or more of our focus areas and supporting skills, and are interested in sharing them with young people. We value expertise, dedication, people skills and a positive attitude.


Current Vacancies 



Want to join us long term? Send your resume and we will keep it in our database for future openings.


Are you a teenager interested in becoming a Tumo member?  You don’t have to decide right away which of our focus areas interests you most. Whether it’s animation, game development, web development or digital media, we’ll help you find your hidden talents.

To register, you just need to:


  • Be between 12 and 18 years old
  • Have at least one parent or guardian with you
  • Bring your birth certificate or passport
  • Also bring your parents’ or guardian’s passports
  • And make a 10,000 AMD deposit (which will be returned when you graduate)


We’re open for registration weekdays from 14:00 to19:00.




If you’re an accomplished media professional and you’re ready to share your skills and enthusiasm, then we would love to have you lead a workshop, give a lecture, or become a mentor for Tumo members. You don't even have to be in Armenia; we can connect with you anywhere in the world, and we might be able to help you come over for a couple weeks to couple of months. 

Take a look at our Call for Workshop Proposals.

Interested? Learn more about workshops here, and if you have a workshop in mind, please fill out our workshop proposal form. If you can’t offer a workshop but would like to drop by to give a lecture on a topic that you think would interest our members, then go ahead and fill out our lecture proposal form.

If you’re a parent or visitor,
come see Tumo for yourself to decide if it’s right for your child or just because you’re curious. We open our doors to the public every third Saturday of the month except in August.


If you want to arrange a group visit for a minimum of 5 people, please fill out our visitor registration form and we will contact you. Thanks!