A visit by Paolo Pirjanian



Dr. Paolo Pirjanian is in charge of technology, research and development at iRobot Corporation. Previously, he was CEO of Evolution Robotics, which was acquired by iRobot in 2012. He has been a computer science lecturer at the University of Southern California and a researcher at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory where he received the Technical Leadership Award. Pirjanian is the former U.S. chairman of IEEE Robotics and received the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Early Career Award in 2004. He holds a Ph.D. in robotics from Aalborg University.


Today, Tumo was proud to host a visit by iRobot Corporation Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Paolo Pirjanian along with his wife and two teenage boys. iRobot is one of the worlds most successful robotics companies and the maker of the famous Roomba domestic cleaning robots.


Pirjianian got to see Tumo's educational system and facilities, including the 3D printing workshop, and was able to acquaint himself with the center's learning content and teaching methods. His visit culminated with a tour of Tumo's robotics lab where Camp Tumo participants were learning to build and program autonomous agents using Lego Mindstorms robotics kits.


See Pirjanian's views on the present and future of robotics here.