Google DevFest



DevFests are large, community-run events organized by Google Development Groups around the world. They include speaker sessions across multiple topics, all-day hack-a-thons, code labs, and other events. Each DevFest is uniquely tailored to the needs of the developer community that hosts it. While no two events are exactly alike, each DevFest is inspired by a shared belief that great things can happen when developers come together to exchange ideas. Read more >>


During the last two days of September 2013, Tumo hosted the Google DevFest developer conference which the Armenian Google Developer Group organized in partnership with Tumo. Developers, users and students attended the conference and discussed issues around developing and integrating mobile and web technologies.


glavni full article 30 09 2013


On day one, speakers included Misho Berianidze, who presented 3D modeling and image mapping methods in Google Earth, Satenik Mnatsakanyan who talked about a next generation human-machine interface and developments in cloud computing, Gaspar Chilingarov who discussed synchronous NodeJS transactions, cutting edge development tools and code simplification, and Tigran Azatyan who devoted his talk to key software architecture concepts for high traffic websites.



Day two included a presentation and demo of Google Glass by Google Senior Software Engineer Ihar Mahaniok. Ihar presented the device's features and possible uses, and toured Tumo, making the first ever Glass recording of the center. Users had a chance to try out the consumer features of Glass and familiarize themselves with its software development interface.


This was the first DevFest to take place in Armenia, and marked the beginning of Tumo's increasing focus on partnership opportunities with Google. Read more>>