In May 2014, Tumo's first photography competition was announced. The month long photography contest saw 97 Tumo members passionate about photography submit over 300 photos to compete in the Portrait, Documentary, Nature, Open and Story categories. They chose which photos to enter into the competition with the assistance of award winning photojournalist Eric Grigorian.
Areg Amirkhanyan
2nd place best story | 18
Arpine Baroyan
1st place best open | 18
Ashkhen Grigoryan
3rd place best documentary | 19
David Nersisyan
1st place best portrait | 17
Edgar Sahakyan
1st place best story | 18
Hripsime Hayrapetyan
2nd place best open | 17
Hripsime Soghomonyan
3rd place best story | 19
Karine Kotinyan
3rd place best open | 19
Levon Madatyan
1st place best documentary | 20
Nare Gevorgyan
2nd place best portrait | 20
Silva Melkonyan
2nd place best documentary | 18
Sona Mkrtchyan
3rd place best portrait | 17
Veronica Avetisyan
1st place best nature | 17
The contest gave participants the freedom to explore countless themes within the five categories, resulting in thought provoking photographs depicting their interests and evoking emotions in the viewer. The photographs were showcased in an open judging format in which the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners were chosen by the judging panel of professional photographers, giving participants a chance to find out how winning photographs are chosen. Photographer and panelist Karen Mirzoyan stated that the participants had produced not only interesting photographs but had also engaged in the difficult challenge of storytelling.