3D Printed Kit
In early 2014, a team of students worked on the design of 3D models to create a kit that can be used for stop-motion animation projects. The workshop gave the participants a chance to develop their design skills by creating both abstract and figurative modular components. These can be combined in different ways to meet the storyline needs of various projects.
Project Participants
Ashot Janunts
Modeling | 14
Eduard Tairyan
Modeling | 17
Gohar Droshakiryan
Designer | 15
Sona Babayan
Modeling | 14
During the first phase of the project, participants learned how to use Rhino, a leading 3D modeling application, to develop volumetric figures and shapes. This design phase was followed by a production phase which used Tumo's MakerBot and RepRap 3D printers to produce the parts for the animation kit. In the last phase of the project, students created a short stop motion animation showcasing the versatility of the modular kit.