2D Frame-by-Frame Animation

About Arnab


Arnab Chaudhuri  is an award winning animator and director best known for Disney's "Arjun:The Warrior Prince", a film which combines different types of animation, about an Indian legend.


He studied animation at the National Institute of Design in India. Chaudhuri has also been a judge at several international animation festivals.


Over the course of three weeks, with the assistance of director and animator Arnab Chaudhuri, 13 Tumo students learned the art of hand-drawn animation. During the final week of the workshop each of them produced a 20 second animation.


Students improved their skills and creativity by practicing one minute speed-drawings, drawing subjects with their left hand and creating collages out of five objects each. Chaudhuri then gave each student 30 seconds to think of an animal, a place and a thing, all three beginning with the first letter of their name. The words then became the topics for their 20 second animations. Students created storyboards for their animation after putting the words together to make a sentence that also included their name. They scanned and digitalized their storyboards and began working on the production.


Using Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro, students turned their storyboards into animations. The results were showcased for Tumo students and a public audience. Participants' hand drawn storyboards and frames were also displayed in a two week exhibition at Tumo.