Performance Art

About Ani Nina


Ani Nina Oganyan graduated from University of California at Berkeley Department of Theater Arts and currently lives and works in Los Angeles. She has been on stage since she was 16 and has depicted a variety of characters. She is currently working at Tumo as a Birthright Armenian volunteer.


Over the span of four weeks, Tumo students were introduced to skills in the art of acting under the leadership of Ani Nina.


During the first two weeks, participants studied different genres of monologues, in order to improve their stage presence and oratory skills. The following two weeks were devoted to selecting scripts from films and staging their own improvisations.


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The results were showcased through a presentation of the students' creations, spanning across various genres. The young actors played in shorts from classical as well as Armenian films. The workshop gave the participants fundamental  acting skills and the ability to develop believable character performances for both scripted and improvised executions.