Tumo Hosts a State Delegation from Japan

About Minoru Kiuchi


Minoru Kiuchi is a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. He has been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan since 1989. A member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, he was elected to the House of Representatives several times and became State Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2014. He has also worked as a visiting professor at Takushoku University


Today, a Japanese delegation led by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Mr. Minoru Kiuchi visited Tumo.


Director Marie Lou Papazian introduced the guests to the unique learning program at Tumo while they toured the center and got a firsthand look at the Tumo facilities and programs. They met students, coaches and workshop leaders who told them more about their experiences at Tumo. While the delegation toured the music studio, Tumo's Tmba-Ta Orchestra performed a short set to provide insight into the creative work of Tumo students.


The guests discussed the role of education in Armenia and Tumo's impact on young people. Marie Lou spoke of Tumo's aim of expanding young people's horizons and giving them the resources to achieve their full creative potential for their future careers.


Mr. Minoru Kiuchi expressed his amazement at the possibilities the center provides to local youth. He offered to share all necessary contacts and information to the newly established Embassy of Japan in Armenia for further cooperation.