Sponsoring Kids

Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, an initiative of Simonian Educational Foundation, is a non-profit venture and participation in the program is open to all teenagers in Armenia and abroad. Since its opening in September 2011, thousands of teenagers have had the opportunity to attend sessions at Tumo. Our goal is to expand young people's horizons and give them the resources to achieve their full creative potential.

Our Summer Camp program is designed to provide a similar opportunity for all campers with the Tumo goal in mind and to help create life-long friendships with Armenians from various parts of Armenia and teenagers from all parts of the world.

Your generous contribution could help bring teenagers from across Armenia to Yerevan to partake in Camp Tumo 2015. If you would like to sponsor a child from an Armenian village to attend Tumo's Summer Camp, please see additional information below.

With your support many of these children will have the opportunity to come to Yerevan and be part of Tumo. The cost of the camp for sponsored students includes all activities, meals, field trips, transportation, chaperones and accommodation.

In addition, your contribution will also be acknowledged on our website and we will put you in touch with the sponsored child, should you wish to correspond with him/her.

All proceeds from Camp Tumo will be directed to the education of young people in Armenia.

Our Sponsors and Contributors

Audrey M Mardoian

Jackie Abramian

MFast Auto Repair

Lusine Hovsepyan

Ani Baboomian

Kristine Sargsyan

Maral Aznavour

Diran Aznavour

Arusyak Markarian

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anserian

Mr. and Mrs. Elie A. Ghannoum

Hrant Vardanyan

Alla Bakunts

Achkhen Varteressian

Laura Gechidjian

Zara Zeitountsian

Syuzanna Azoyan

George Hodge

Nelli Klachian

Sara Anjargolian

Shake Havan-Garapetian

Erik Grigorian

Jacqueline Karaaslanian

Lilly Djaniants