Essentials of Paper-and-Pencil Animation

About EMCA

The Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation (EMCA) was established in Angoulême in 1999. It is one of a handful of top professional schools for animators in France. Hundreds of students apply to EMCA each year, but only several dozen are chosen to undergo its rigorous three-year program, including a final year during which they create their own original films. Read more>>



Atam Rasho, a graduate of the famous Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation (EMCA) in France, led a one-month workshop at Tumo on the principles of 2D animation. Using pencil and paper to hand draw each frame of their animations, workshop participants developed practical skills needed to capture movement through drawing.


The workshop began with a primer on creating motion and flow in animation. Students were taught the fundamentals of spacing, timing, and smooth transitions between frames.
They went on to cover body mechanics and maintaining volume as characters and objects move around the screen. A jump animation exercise was used to demonstrate principles such as squash and stretch, anticipation, arcs and follow-through.
All of these techniques were incorporated into the students’ final animations, which they digitized using the Dragonframe application.