Technical Photography Basics

About Tumo Photography


Tumo regularly hosts specialized workshops on photography featuring prominent professionals from around the world. Award-winning photographers such as Scout Tufankjian, Eric GrigoryanAra Oshagan and Jordi Adria are a few of many that have led sessions at the center and directed exhibitions of students’ work.

Topics covered in the past include product photography, photojournalism, portrait photography, and the creative potential of color in photos. Students from advanced to beginner levels take part in the workshops and learn the latest techniques in capturing images of the world around them.


A Fall 2013 workshop on the technical fundamentals of photography introduced Tumo students to the mechanics of DSLR cameras and functional techniques for enhancing photos.


Topics covered in the workshop aimed to understand exposure by learning to use aperture, shutter speed and ISO. After learning the basic principles of such settings, students worked in pairs to take photographs in the field and experiment with different techniques for governing light in images. They went on to evaluate their work as a group and selected their best shots for final submission. 


A total of nearly 200 students participated in two separate monthly sessions of the workshop. In addition to learning how to use professional cameras, they gained insight into key principles for capturing well crafted photos.


Below is a sampling of student photos from the workshop.