Infographics and Data Visualization

About Studio Safar


Studio Safar is a Beirut-based design and art direction studio working in the kind of dynamic and exploratory environment evoked by the its name, which is Arabic for travel. Their projects span different media and formats such as publications, visual identities, display and set design, packaging, album artwork, and websites. The studio's members have been trained internationally in the visual arts, cultural management, graphic design, product design, marketing, and business development. 
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Hatem Imam, Maya Moumne and Maral Mikirditsian of the Beirut-based design and art direction house Studio Safar led a one-week, intensive infographics workshop at Tumo. The workshop focused on the after-school lives of Yerevan teenagers based on a hourly diary of their daily activities.


Prior to the workshop leaders' arrival, students spent one week documenting their movement around the city, their activities, and their interactions with peers, family members and strangers. They then filtered this information as part of the initial data processing phase of the workshop.


Once the statistics were mapped, participants were ready to begin visualizing the data. They split up into four thematic groups: Time, People, Activity, and Location. Each group pulled patterns and trends from their respective category and translated them into infographic posters.


The resulting visual displays gave a colorful and insightful into the daily life of young people in the city, showing the type of activities they are engaged in arranged by time, geographic location, and demographics.


Workshop participants included Tumo members with previous experience in graphic design, as well as students from the Yerevan Academy of Fine Arts.