The Language of Film

About Shahane and Vigen


Shahane Yuzbashyan was born in 1965 in Yerevan and now lives and works in Paris. She has an extensive background as a film and sound editor, assistant director and script editor. From 1985 to 1991 she worked at the Hayfilm studios, working as assistant to directors such as Artavazd Pelechian, Bagrat Hovhannisyan. She holds a masters degree in film theory from Paris Huit University in France, and a degree in film directing from the State Pedagogical Institute of Yerevan.


Vigen Galstyan was born in 1981 in Armenia. He now lives and works in both Sydney, Australia and Yerevan, where he has worked as a filmmaker, film programmer, curator and film historian since 2005. He has a BA degree in Film and Media Production from the University of Technology, Sydney, a Masters of Arts degree in Art Curating and a PhD candidature from the University of Sydney, Australia. He has worked as a curator of photography at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney from 2010-2012, and is an author of over ten exhibitions.


The Language of Film workshop, led by filmmakers Shahane Yuzabashyan and Vigen Galstyan, gave Tumo students and opportunity to develop and produce several short films based on one common script.


Workshop participants started by watching prominent examples from the world of cinema and analyzing them with the help of the workshop leaders. They then split into six groups, each of which developed a distinct screenplay and mise-en-scene, resulting in six different stories with identical dialog.


Over the course of the workshop, students discovered important principles of dialog and editing, which they applied in the creation of their individual narratives. They learned how to support the plot with editing techniques and how film styles and musical scores can assist in character development.


Below are some images from the workshop's final screening.