Steve Jobs book presentation

About Steve Jobs, the book


Over the course of two years, author Walter Isaacson was given the opportunity to conduct upwards of forty in-depth interviews with Jobs, in addition to many others conducted with hundreds of people closest to Jobs. This permitted him to gain unmatched insight into Jobs' life. According to Isaacson, Jobs valued honesty and wished for the other interviewees to speak openly. Jobs himself only asked for control over the book's cover but abstained from interfering with its content. "Steve Jobs" became Amazon's best-selling book of the year. Read more>>


The Armenian translation of "Steve Jobs", the biographical book by Walter Isaacson, was presented at Tumo on May 7th. The limited edition publication was made possible through the efforts of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia, in partnership with Antares Media Holding.


The U.S. Ambassador John Heffern launched the event, welcoming the guests and touching upon some of the book's important messages. A highlight of the event was the presentation by Tumo student Aramais Amirbekyan about various stages of Jobs' life.


taki full article 08 05 2014


The event concluded with the cutting of a special cake baring the image of Steve Jobs. Only 1,000 copies of the Armenian "Steve Jobs" were printed. The book is not intended for retail distribution. Rather, It will be provided to educational institutions in Armenia to further stimulate interest in new technology and innovation.