Raffi week at Tumo

About Raffi Krikorian


Raffi Krikorian is the Vice President of Engineering at Twitter, in charge of the company's core infrastructure and the software that powers the Twitter ecosystem. Previously, Raffi was a co-founder of WattzOn.com, named best idea of the year by Business Week. He's the author of "TiVo Hacks", published by O'Reilly, and has taught at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program.


Tumo board member and Twitter Vice President Raffi Krikorian visited Armenia from April 12 to 19. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with Tumo's educational system and help design an augmented computer programming curriculum for the center.


During his week-long visit, Krikorian led two computer programming workshops, gave a public lecture, and met with representatives of the Armenian IT community and government. From April 14 to 17, Krikorian led an advanced programming workshop open to university students and recent graduates, focusing on the Twitter API, and an intermediate level workshop for Tumo students on good coding practices. On April 18, Krikorian gave a public lecture titled "The things that turn out to matter" about lessons learned while running engineering at Twitter.


Krikorian vowed to return to Armenia soon and, almost immediately after returning to the US, continued his active collaboration with the Tumo management on the computer programming curriculum project.