French AGBU Group Visits Tumo

About AGBU's Arménie, Terre de Vie


Arménie, Terre de Vie is a humanitarian and social program founded in France by  AGBU's youth. This citizen action for the development of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh is open to all young people aged 18-30 who wish to accompany and encourage local youth in educational, cultural and environmental missions.


What they do:

- Renovation of youth centers,
- Donation of books,
- Promotion of the teaching of French language,
- Donation of school supplies,
- Prօtection of oral hygiene,
- Prevention for the protection of the environment around Lake Sevan


Learn more>>



In August 2013, participants in AGBU’s "Arme՛nie, Terre de Vie" program from France visited Tumo. They became familiar with Tumo's educational activities and learning system, and visited workshops led by professionals from different parts of the world. 



During the course of the summer Tumo hosted several AGBU youth groups from different parts of the world. Some of them spent an entire day at Tumo and immersed themselves in the center's creative environment. After a short presentation, each visitor chose a workshop they were interested in and jumped into the Tumo learning process.