Documentary Photography

About Ara Oshagan

"In 1998 I took up photography and in 1999 I decided to come to Karabakh with my father to take some photos. During those years my father taught at Artsakh State University and we decided to compile a book together. After our visit I began to come to Karabakh quite frequently and here I developed 'my eye of a photographer'...

In 2010 I found a publisher in New York who was interested in my book and soon published it with my photos and the Armenian and English variants of my father's text under the headline 'Fatherland'. The given photos represent documentary photography. I photographed the process of life such as situations, places, human relations. In these photos I tried to show the place and the people's way of living." Read more >>

Working closely with photographer Ara Oshagan in mid-2012, Tumo students first studied the work of other contemporary photographers, then went out and documented their own world. Group critiques and editing sessions resulted in an exhibition that painted an intimate portrait of how youth see themselves and the city they live in.