City of Yerevan Branding
At the end of 2012, Yerevan City Hall announced the City of Yerevan Branding competition. In January 2013, a group of Tumo students came together and set in motion the City Branding project which focused on designing a new touristic brand for the city of Yerevan. Participants, selected according to their creative proposal ideas and design skills, worked under the supervision and guidance of designers Aram Gyumishyan and Taline Jivanian. Six student proposals were submitted to the competition, and one of them became the most popular design, garnering over 7500 votes.
Project Participants
Artur Yeghiazaryan
Designer | 18
Diana Smbatyan
Designer | 21
Hrant Grigoryan
Designer | 16
Inessa Qaramyan
Designer | 16
Ines Torosian
Designer | 17
Kristina Sargsyan
Designer | 18
Mery Karapetyan
Designer | 15
Siranush Hovsepyan
Designer | 16
During the project, the participants explored principles of branding and discovered the role of graphic design, logo usage and visual communication in giving a city its visual character. They also studied how to improve the city's image by finding important characteristics and cultural attributes that make Yerevan unique. This uniqueness was then translated into a visual language composed of a logo concept and graphic solutions.