1/8 of Collectif Medz Bazar at Tumo




Yesterday, the members of Tumo's Tmba Ta Orchestra had a special visit from accordionist and vocalist of Collectif Medz Bazar Sevana Tchakerian. What was to be a quick visit to Tumo soon turned into a jam session with the students. 


Collectif Medz Bazar became a household name in 2014 after they toured Armenia playing at various venues and festivals. They made their mark on the Armenian music scene with their combination of Armenian, European and Middle Eastern melodies accompanied by an accordion, a clarinet and a violin. The traditional repertoire is complemented by the groups own rich and varied compositions born from the French, Anatolian and American backgrounds of the members of the band.


Collectif Medz Bazar was invited to the first International Tsovits Tsov Music Festival at the end of 2014 which saw Armenian artists from all over the world on one stage in Moscow. They will also be performing at the Innovate Armenia event in Los Angeles where Tumo will also be presenting on February 21st.


Following her visit, Sevana hopes to lead a Tumo workshop in March on the theme of engaging with cultural variety through folk music.