Tumo Workshop Leader's Instagram Defines the World in 2014




World renowned Armenian-American photographer Scout Tufankjian, who has run a workshop and an exhibition  at Tumo, has been featured as one of the 29 Instagram photographers who defined the world in 2014.


Tufankjian's photograph of Newroz celebrations in Diyarbakir was chosen as one of the key moments of 2014 by Time online newspaper. Her photo was featured alongside photos taken during notable events throughout 2014, as well as every day moments captured and uploaded into Instagram by the platform's most popular and respected photographers.


taki full article 18 12 2014


Tufankjian is famous for capturing photos for Obama's campaign. Her image of President Obama hugging his wife was the most retweeted in history and Facebook's most liked photo. She has previously shared her knowledge and experience with Tumo students, teaching them how to capture such moments, develop and edit them using Adobe Photoshop and create their own photo stories.


Scout Tufanjkian has spent a significant part of her career working in the Middle East. Her book "Yes We Can" was a New York Times and LA Times bestseller.