The Student from Sevan




Twice a week, for the past year and a half, Artyom Badalyan has been commuting 60 kilometers each way from Sevan to Tumo to study his favorite subject.


"I was already 13 years old when I started looking at the source code of websites. I started reading little bits and pieces of information about web development, mainly HTML and CSS." Artyom now studies web development at the Sevan State University. "Studying at Tumo is very useful not just for my self-development, but for my university studies too."


Artyom first heard about Tumo when his friend told him about a robotics workshop he was attending. The process of making robots was so fascinating for Artyom that he decided to take the bus to Yerevan and register at Tumo.


Since then, Artyom has taken part in three levels of core programming and web development workshops, as well as a handful of related workshops, including a course on the Wolfram programing language. Through these workshops, he has learned JavaScript, PHP and JQuery, and perfected his HTML and CSS skills. "The thing I like most about programming is that every problem has thousands of solutions and every programmer can come up with a unique way of solving it. That is a creative process. When you look at any given piece of code, you can see an aspect of the behavior and character of the programmer in it. For example you can tell whether they are neat or messy."


Currently Artyom is thinking about taking on new projects. "My friends and I want to create a website which will unite all interested programmers to support each other in their own initiatives, like a support group for programmers where they can ask each other for assistance."