Escape to Tumanyan Park




Tumanyan Park, a long standing Yerevan landmark, took on new life after Tumo's opening in 2011 and has now become one of the most popular leisure areas in Yerevan.


Tumanyan Park is divided into two sections. The Tumo Plaza, designed by renowned architect Bernard Khoury and built around a renovated Soviet era fountain, accommodates concerts, dance competitions, exhibitions and other public events. And the urban park area, a serene spot where anyone can enjoy wonderful views and get away from the buzz of the city, includes picnic areas and a playground for young children. With 24 hour lighting, security, and constant maintenance, Tumanyan Park is one of the most family friendly places in Yerevan.


The geometric design of the plaza is based on a the concept of a triangulated landscape It has become a hot spot for skaters, rollerbladers, cyclists and parkour lovers. Tumo plaza was recently featured by the Landscape Architecture Network.


As the weather is getting warmer, more and more people are coming to spend their free time at Tumanyan Park, whether waiting for their children to complete their day's learning at Tumo, or simply to relax.