Multifaceted Gevorg




All the workshops leaders from Yerevan and abroad who have visited Tumo Dilijan know Gevorg Amirkhanyan. And it is not because of his exceptional height. Gevorg has participated in almost all the workshops offered there since 2013, from the first Hack the Tumo Fountain workshop to the graphic design and programming workshops which took place last month.


"When I was younger, I used to sit in front of the computer for hours and research anything I wanted. When Tumo Dilijan opened, I continued to do the same thing through all the different workshops offered, but with more purpose." When asked what his favorite focus area was, he could not come up with an answer: "I'm interested in different focus areas, but I'm especially interested in web development, as well as digital media, and 3D modelling... and filmmaking. No actually, I can't pick one."


In Gevorg's opinion specializing in a narrow area is the worst option. "I have never believed that because I'm interested in development I can't be interested in art. And here's the proof: last year, I found myself in a singing competition. I had never studied or shown much interest in music. I don't know how to read music, but it turned out that I'm not a bad singer and I got into the top 10 of my age group. Of course I'm not going to become the next superstar, but it was soooo interesting" he said, laughing.


Gevorg is currently studying Hospitality at the Yerevan State University in Ijevan. He wants to help develop tourism in Dilijan. "Many tourists come to Dilijan for the beautiful nature. After seeing the churches and forests, the tourists ask me where they can find the cafes and the bars. But we practically don't have any. If we had more places for entertainment, the locals would have more employment opportunities and tourists would be more interested in visiting our town. Of course these are future plans. For now, my next step is to do my military service."