First Game Development Competition at Tumo




Tumo's first internal game competition is now closed. Students had been given two months to complete a game from start to finish.


Games were entered into the competition by ten teams of Tumo students. Participants used game making engines such as Game Maker, Unity 3D and Unreal to create multi player shooter, puzzle, endless runner and car racing games. Participants focused on different aspects of their game depending on their skills. Students designed their own game characters using digital tools and, in one case, hand drawn animated characters and levels. One participant fully programmed the game from scratch without the benefit of a game engine.


The results of the competition will be announced on December 25th. The creators of the winning game will receive book The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell and a lifetime Steam account which will give them access to a set of five classic games and an online gamer community. The second place winners will also each receive a Steam account.