The Local Diasporan




Half a year ago, a new character appeared in Tumo's halls. Some said he was a character from Game of Thrones, others saw in his leather jacket hints of a modern Dracula. But it was not long before everyone got to know him as the 3D modeling specialist Arshak Mesrobian, who in real life has nothing at all in common with those infamous fictional characters.


Though Arshak was born and spent his childhood in Pasadena, he considers himself a local here in Armenia. When he was twelve, his parents decided to move to Yerevan with their three sons. Since then, Arshak has been studying in an Armenian school and is now a student at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.


Arshak's connection to Tumo started in 2012, when he was a volunteer assistant in the Rhino 3D modeling workshop. It is there that he became acquainted with parametric 3D modeling. After the workshop, he continued to study advanced 3D modeling and, in February 2014, came back to Tumo as a volunteer. Arshak is now a member of the Tumo staff. He is an assistant in the Autodesk Maya 3D modeling workshop.


Arshak believes that both in one's professional and personal life, the most important thing is to find balance. He feels that the best architectural solution is one that does not create a separation between urban fabric and nature, but combines them, giving them new life.