Soldier Returns to Tumo after Military Service




Today is Armenian Army Day, and our thoughts are with the many Tumo Alumni serving in the Armed Forces. Ashot Avetisyan was one such soldier who recently completed his military service and has returned to Tumo as our newest staff member.


Ashot realized his passion for drawing and animation at the age of 16 and began exploring animation at Tumo. He was a crucial part of the team for the creation of the animated logo for Atom Egoyan's Ego Film Arts. He also participated in the UITE's Open Game Development Contest as a concept artist.


At the age of 18 Ashot was conscripted to serve in a military unit in Martuni, Karabakh. Although serving in the army was a very positive experience for him, his passion remained in animation. He would illustrate whenever he had time and, because he only had paper and pencil to work with, he perfected his basic sketching skills. “The army taught me a lot of things. It taught me to stay determined and never give up on anything. Though serving in the army limited my Artistic opportunities, I kept developing myself in any way possible and thinking of the future steps of my career. As I kept on drawing in my free time, my drawing skills improved immensely. I was determined to come back to Tumo when I finished my military service.”


Ashot completed his military service at the end of 2014 and began working at Tumo as a teaching assistant soon afterwards. "Tumo workshop leaders assisted me in developing my skills as a student and now I want to do the same for the current students." 



An example of Ashot's work at Tumo