Film Fridays at Tumo




Ever wished you were a teenager so you could take part in Tumo's educational program? Wish no more. You can now participate in Tumo's digital media program by starting your weekend with "Film Fridays", open to all film lovers.


The Tumo Cinema opened its doors to cinephiles in February with a series of films from the Coen Brothers followed by lively discussions led by Tumo's own filmmaker and post-production specialist Davit Gyumishyan. This was the beginning of Film Fridays at Tumo.


This month is dedicated to films with long takes, the first of which was Alfred Hitchcock's "Rope". This Friday, Jean-Luc Godard's "The Weekend" will be screened at 7:45pm at the Tumo Cinema. And the series will end with recent Oscar winner "Birdman" in which practically the entire film is one uninterrupted shot.


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