Painting Animation with Traditional and Digital Tools




Self-confessed color geek and Painting Director on the animated television series "The Venture Bros" Liz Artinian will be back at Tumo on March 30th. She will be teaching another.animation workshop for beginner and advanced level students, following her workshop and lecture on animation production in the summer of 2014.


This time, participants will have the chance to learn how to apply traditional drawing and painting techniques in Photoshop to create professional backgrounds for animated production. Students will concentrate on digital background design for animation, starting with the fundamental principles of perspective drawing and color theory. They will also learn how to utilize Photoshop to create naturalistic lighting and mimic paint media like watercolor, oil, acrylic and gouache. Students will then move on to interpreting scripts and storyboards for effective visual storytelling in animation.


 Students in the beginner level will be introduced to a variety of basic drawing and painting principles starting March 30th , while advanced students will have more in-depth design and color-theory instruction with the opportunity to focus on personal style development, starting April 13th. By the end of the workshops, all students will have developed their own background concepts, and design styles.