Digital Heritage Preservation Workshop




On January 9th and 10th, 12 students travelled to the Geghard Monastery with CyArk scanning engineer Ross Davison to begin their field capture training as part of the CyArk 500 Challenge.


Participants were split into two groups focusing on architectural photography and the use of 3D laser scanning to document the monastery. Students used mid and long range 3D scanners and panoramic photography to collect detailed data on the monastic complex. They then used short range scanners and close up photography to capture the fine details of the monastery.


Participants are currently processing the data collected in Geghard with the aim of creating architectural drawings, virtual tours, immersive environments, 3D modelling and other deliverables.


The CyArk 500 Challenge is a race to digitally preserve 500 heritage sites over a period of five years. It is an international effort with Armenia as the first country to engage and train young people to participate.