New Year Festivities at Tumo




It has become a Tumo tradition for students and staff to get together to celebrate the New Year. Festivities in previous years have included a blend of activities, live music, student presentations and surprises, and this year will be no different.


This year, students and staff will attend a Masquerade Ball at Tumo Yerevan and a Disco Party in Dilijan to dance, play and celebrate the holidays and the end of another creative year. The day will be full of emotions, fun, surprises and musical talents with a special performance by Tumo's Tmba Ta Orchestra.


The New Year celebrations will take place on December 27th starting at 17:00 at Tumo Dilijan and on December 30th at 18:30 in Yerevan.


The Dilijan Disco Party is open to current students as well as alumni. To attend, participants must fill in this form.


Students at Tumo Yerevan must wear evening attire and register here to participate in the Masquerade Ball.