Teens Take Charge of the Future




A diverse student body comes to Tumo every day. Tumo students have different interests, love different genres of music and film, and even their learning paths are unique. At Tumo, students gain a broader perspective on a multitude of career choices, opportunities and options for the future.


To get a clearer picture of the diversity of their future plans, we surveyed close to 3,000 students. The results demonstrated that the young people of today's IT era want to become specialists in that very field. 25% of Tumo's incoming students noted IT or engineering as their chosen careers. Just shy of IT were economics, art, medicine and law, followed by architecture and political science. But for students who have been at Tumo for two or more years, the number considering a career in IT or engineering jumps to 40%. In fact, over 60% of students who chose IT, engineering and art as their future paths, credited their studies at Tumo as a significant influence on their decision.


Only around a third of incoming students envision their career development in Armenia, while close to half of incoming students see the US or Europe as the preferred countries for their professional growth. In terms of lifestyle however, the majority of students list Armenia as the place they would like to live and where they envision being with friends and family.


It is encouraging to see that a large proportion of students, over 36%, aims to start their own businesses one day, and that the proportion of female student who want to start their own businesses is even higher at over 38%. And most inspiring of all is that 16% of female students and 13% of male students plan to incorporate teaching into their future careers.