“Web Only” Workshop




Starting on June 30, Los Angeles based developer and technologist Gevorg Ablabutyan will lead the "Web Only" workshop to teach students the fundamentals of web development. The workshop will be divided into two groups, a beginner level workshop suitable for anyone with a desire to build websites, and an intermediate level workshop suitable for students with knowledge in front-end and back-end technologies.


During the month long workshop, beginner participants will be acquainted with the fundamentals of web development and how the technologies used during the workshop function together to create the web applications we use every day. Intermediate workshop participants will be taught how take a project from concept to production as a team, using front-end and back-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.


Gevorg Ablabutyan is a Los Angeles based developer and technologist who started his career as a developer in his early teens. Since then he has worked for large advertising agencies in Los Angeles, working with clients such as Google, Pepsi, Adidas and Nissan Infiniti. He promotes team-based, collaborative development processes and encourages developers to "code fearlessly" because that is when developers are truly able to innovate without fear of failure.