An Open Game Victory




Օpen Game - the second Championship of developers of computer games and mobile applications is over. A team of Tumo students won "Best Scenario" and a 300,000 AMD cash prize for their game "Psycho" at the second Open Game computer game and mobile application championship.


In "Psycho," players assume the role of protagonist Lucy, who navigates a hospital to save the lives of patients with unusual illnesses.

Congratulations to the team!

Asya Grigoryan, 19
Arshak Minasyan, 19
Satenik Grigoryan, 18
Ashot Avetisyan, 18
Arnela Ayvazyan, 18
Lilit Margaryan, 17
Georgi Ioanisyan, 17
Arsen Babajanyan, 17
Mary Mkhitaryan, 16
Eleanora Grigorian, 15
Kamo Hovhannisyan, 15
Alen Hovakimian, 13