Discovering the Fun of Engineering and Technology




In partnership with Luys Foundation, Tumo will provide a workshop from April 20 to 28 to engage young people in engineering and technology using a learning-by-doing approach. Participants will take discarded computers apart and create new machines from their components. By building functioning electronic inventions, they will develop hands-on skills and computer proficiency. They will discover the fun of engineering and technology and will link classroom concepts to the real world devices they use every day, unleashing their creativity, exploring their interests, and discovering new academic and career directions they might want to pursue in the future.

The Idea Factory workshop will be led by Etienne Delacroix, an innovative visual artist and technologist from Belgium. Dr. Delacroix combines the expressive freedom of art and the rigorous demands of technological functionality. He first developed the "Nomadic Workshops" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has run similar workshops around the world.