Creating Firm Foundations for Animation




Promoting a fundamental understanding of traditional animation techniques and developing the skills to implement them are the themes of a special workshop at Tumo led by French animator Atam Rasho.

Rasho is a graduate of EMCA the famous school of animation in Angoulême, France. Using pencil and paper, workshop participants are exposed to drawing each frame of a sequence and developing the basic techniques of hand drawn animation. The finished images are then digitized and combined on a computer using the Dragonframe application. By placing the emphasis on the fundamentals of traditional animation, the workshop aims to lay foundations for acquiring more advanced techniques in digital animation.


About EMCA


The Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation, created in 1999 in Angoulême, is one of a handful of top professional schools for animators in France. Hundreds of students apply to EMCA each year, but only several dozen are chosen to undergo its rigorous three-year program, including a final year during which they create their own original films. Read more>>