Tumo Dilijan: Flashback




Almost a year ago, Tumo opened its branch in the city of Dilijan, and now the center has more than 250 Tumo members.


During the year, the center held many film screenings, events and workshops, such as Hack Tumo Fountains, iPad Drawing, Garage Band, and Online Literacy.


Dilijan Tumo members also had the opportunity to attend the presentation on an Animation course as well as a question and answer session with Kristine Sargsyan, leader of the Think workshop. Starting on January 14, the one month Think workshop will be held in Dilijan, giving the members an opportunity to learn how to present their ideas and stories in an interesting and engaging way, as well as develop their presentation skills.


Team Waraq from Lebanon also visited Tumo Dilijan, spending an interesting day with its members. And the year ended with a New Year event celebration, to which all the Tumo Dilijan members were invited. Yet more interesting events and workshops are on the way.