Advanced Photography Workshop




World Press Photo Contest winner Eric Grigorian started his advanced four-week photography workshop at Tumo today.


Participating students will learn the principles and techniques of creating photo stories, and each of them will create their own by the end of the month. After initially choosing a theme, students will start the process of planning out and then photographing their stories, which will be presented in a final exhibition and the conclusion of the workshop.

In June 2013 Eric gave an extended workshop at Tumo in conjunction with Obama campaign photographer Scout Tufankjian, the results of which can be seen here.


taki full article 10 02 2014


Eric has won numerous awards, including the world famous World Press Photo 2002 award. Some of his more recent photography projects include "the Changing Face of Iran," "Hurricane Katrina," and "Spinal Cord Injuries in Iraq." Eric has collaborated with Time, Newsweek, US News, The New York Times and a number of European magazines. Read more>>