Tumo student's photo story published!




17 years old Tumo student David Nersisyan’s first independent photo story is now available for larger audience. His photo series about World War II veterans in Yerevan caught the attention of the Hetq online editorial team and was published on their multimedia page.

After completing several photography workshops at Tumo, David's interest towards taking photographs increased. With the support of well-known World Press photojournalist and Tumo workshop leader Eric Grigorian, David created the series of 10 photographs depicting the lives of veterans.

“I was just walking near the Veterans’ Union and I thought maybe it would be interesting to see and capture what’s inside, so I went in. The people there were very friendly. They told stories about the war and far-off times. Eventually, they gave me the contacts of the veterans who are currently residing in Yerevan and I started to visit their houses.” David’s experience in working with this group of people made him realize their problems too. “I was happy to see their willingness to be photographed and interviewed but I was concerned because they seemed to lack the care they needed.”

Follow the link to check out David’s full story.