Mobile Apps: From Spark to Finish




Starting in mid-June, Development Producers and Creators, Alen Tarassians and Lara Sarkissian of the Alera Enterprises production company will lead a workshop which will entail the entire process of mobile app development. Students will learn how to create an app from start to finish: from the spark of an idea to creating a high level design document, which can then be implemented in the development of a mobile app. Additionally, the workshop participants will learn how to produce a remarkable promotional video to accompany the app, a necessity in any marketing strategy, no matter the product.


Students will also be taught how to save time and get the job done without overspending, while staying one step ahead of the competition.


To participate, students should have general knowledge of mobile apps and production. Some students familiar with Final Cut or Adobe Premier will also be needed to lead the workshop's graphics and post-production segments.


Watch workshop promo video here