Student Documentaries Screened at Moscow Cinema




On June 20th, over 200 people attended Tumo’s Young Documentarians Awards Ceremony at Moscow Cinema. The U.S. Ambassador John Heffern opened the ceremony by congratulating all participants for taking on the challenge of making documentaries about social and political issues in Armenia and presented them with certificates of participation.


The winning documentaries chosen by the international panel of judges were then screened for the general audience. The award for Best Story went to Aram Kirakosyan with “Beautiful People”, a film about individuals being cared for at a psychiatric hospital. The award for Best Cinematography went to Avetis Avetisyan’s “My homeland starts from my home”, a film about the constant sniper fire that the border village of Chinari is subjected to. The award for Best Film went to Marine and Sona Qocharyan with “From Jiliz to Jiliz”, a film full of humor about a village cut in two by the Armenia-Georgia border that runs through it. The story is told through a young girl’s long journey to see her family just across the village but on the other side of the border. Each of the winners received a DSLR camera as a prize. As an additional prize, the winners of the Best Film award will be taking part in a major international film festival in the U.S. Hovhannes Ishkhanyan's "Family Album" and Khachatur Tovmasyan's "We" also received an Honorable Mention.


taki full article 23 06 2014


Tumo plans to hold additional contests and workshops open to an even wider range of young documentarians.