Apricot Talks at Tumo




The 11th annual Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival will be taking place this year from the 13th to the 20th of July. The film festival is held every summer in Yerevan and brings countless influential members of the film industry to Armenia. This year's festival is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary filmmaker Sergei Parajanov.


For the third year in a row, Tumo will be a major part of the festival. To date, Tumo has hosted a number of influential experts including experimental documentarian Godfrey Reggio, transmedia expert Daniel Calabuig, director Atom Egoyan and Spanish director Victor Erice for lectures, talks and forums. This year, Tumo will be hosting a similar series of talks and screening the Ukrainian Poetic Cinema program of the festival.


For the first time this year, a free shuttle bus will circulate between Moscow Cinema and Tumo every day of the festival.


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