Volunteering at Tumo




Tumo and Birthright Armenia signed a partnership agreement in April 2012 on hosting volunteers from the Armenian diaspora interested in working in Tumo's focus areas. Since then, a number of talented young diasporans have volunteered at Tumo in the fields of photography, music, graphic design and most recently in business development. 


Birthright volunteer and UC Berkeley graduate Tanya Sarkissian is currently working at Tumo developing a business plan to support Tumo's expansion to other locations in Armenia and beyond. Tanya has previously worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and at Warner Brothers doing strategic analysis. This was her first time in Armenia. After experiencing Armenia through volunteering, Tanya has decided to return after completing her MBA at the MIT Sloan School of Management to work on innovative projects in the education sector.


Interested in volunteering at Tumo? Please take a look at our volunteering application form.