Photo Exhibit Depicts Personal Stories of Tumo Youth




Having recently wrapped up a four-week, intensive workshop with two highly acclaimed Armenian-American photojournalists, students at Tumo publicly unveiled their photos in a special exhibition this past Saturday.


A total of 43 participants in workshops led by award-winning photographers Scout Tufankjian and Eric Grigorian were on hand to showcase their stories and speak with a capacity crowd at the opening of the exhibit.


“I began thinking much more in-depth about how to present images as beautifully as possible,” says Anahit Talasyan about her experience in Tufankjian’s workshop. “I learned how to use the camera as a conduit between the eye and the object.”


Inesa Yolyan, a 17-year-old student from Grigorian’s class adds that, “The workshop wasn’t simply about snapping photos. We had to understand the technical parameters we were working in and develop a theme to tell a compelling story around.”


The range of topics covered by the teenagers’ photo stories included everything from the frustrated expressions of people waiting at bus stops to theater and church attendance.


Both Grigorian and Tufankjian are accomplished photojournalists whose work has been featured in such journals as the Boston Globe, Time, Newsweek, the New York Times, and Le Monde. They took a break this spring from their regular stints documenting global affairs and political leaders to—for the first time—work with teenagers in Armenia.


The photos will be on display at Tumo until July 6th and are open for public viewing every day from 12 pm to 3 pm.