One-Minute Filmmaking




A two-part summer workshop on creative writing and digital media provided over 25 students an avenue for developing their own personal story ideas into one-minute short films.


Workshop leaders Nishan Paparian and Francisco Varvaro spent the initial sessions outlining the fundamentals of screenwriting and storyboarding with participants, emphasizing the importance of visual narrative, camera angles, framing, and timing when conveying a story through film. After honing in on their stories and layouts, the students went out to shoot their films in and around Tumo, as well as in busy intersections, landmarks, and markets throughout Yerevan.



Each student worked individually on their story idea—serving as writer, director and editor of their own minute-long film. Nevertheless, the entire experience was a team effort, with students giving each other insight, advice, and assistance throughout the process.


The topics covered by the students ranged from religious tolerance and mistreatment of animals, to soccer matches and the situation of war veterans. Each story reflected something of personal importance to the students, which they wanted to share with the rest of the world.