PR Expert Skypes with Students




Media professional Jackie Abramian spoke live via Skype yesterday with a room full of Tumo students interested in her upcoming workshop on media and public relations.


The workshop is set to begin on November 25 and will train a team of young people at Tumo in quality news production.


Abramian video conferenced in live from New Hampshire to go over what students can expect from her workshop and how to prepare prior to her arrival. She explained that her focus will be on not only news gathering and social media, but also on effectively tracking the results of PR outreach.


The information session was conducted in Armenian and gave students a chance to better acquaint themselves with the visiting workshop leader. Participants asked her about everything from her personal background to her opinion on blogging and standards for reporting.


Jackie Abramian is the author of Power Up with PR, a guide on marketing and public relations geared specifically for artists. She has over 20 years of experience in communications and has secured top placements with such outlets as National Public Radio, CNN, Business Week, The Boston Globe and Bloomberg News. Her three-week workshop is open to all Tumo students with an interest in media and public relations.