Teacher Appreciation Event at Tumo




Last week, Tumo hosted Teach For Armenia's Teacher Appreciation event. Over 100 people came to show gratitude and appreciation for their favorite teacher. The event was part of the bigger ''Teacher Appreciation'' campaign which draws attention to the impact and importance of the role of a teacher.


Students and their nominated teachers were greeted by the Orran choir as they arrived. Musician Tigran Hamasyan, chess grandmaster Levon Aronian, General Manager of Vivacell-MTS Ralph Yirikian and TV presenter Gohar Gasparyan all spoke of their inspirational teachers in a video prepared by Tumo students for Teach For Armenia. Students then thanked their favorite teachers with certificates and had their photo taken to remember the event.


Teach For Armenia recruits and trains young professionals to expand educational opportunities for children in Armenia in the belief that the impact a teacher has on the creativity and self-worth of an individual is an irreplaceable tool for improved educational outcomes. Teach For Armenia believes that one day, all children in Armenia will have the opportunity to unlock their full potential.